MLCB 2020 Proceedings
The 15th Machine Learning in Computational Biology (MLCB) meeting was held virtually. For more information and recordings of the talks please see here
Surag Nair, Avanti Shrikumar, Anshul Kundaje.
fastISM: Performant in-silico saturation mutagenesis for convolutional neural networks.
Maja Trebacz, Zohreh Shams, Mateja Jamnik, Paul Scherer, Nikola Simidjievski, Helena Andres Terre, Pietro Liò.
Using ontology embeddings for structural inductive bias in gene expression data analysis.
Dimitrios Vitsios, Ryan S. Dhindsa, Ayal B. Gussow, Slavé Petrovski.
Prioritization of non-coding variants based on human intolerance to variation and primary sequence context using deep learning.
Hannah Zhou, Avanti Shrikumar, Anshul Kundaje.
Benchmarking Reverse-Complement Strategies for Deep Learning Models in Genomics.
Paul Scherer, Maja Trebacz, Nikola Simidjievski, Zohreh Shams, Helena Andres Terre, Pietro Liò, Mateja Jamnik.
Incorporating network based protein complex discovery into automated model construction.
Jacob Schreiber, Yang Young Lu, William Stafford Noble .
Ledidi: Designing genomic edits that induce functional activity.
Rui Yang, Alizera Karbalayghareh, Christina Leslie.
HiC2Self: Self-supervised Hi-C contact map denoising.
Nicholas Nuechterlein, Beibin Li, Mehmet Saygin Seyfioglu, Sachin Mehta, Patrick J Cimino, Linda Shapiro.
Leveraging Unlabeled Data for Glioma Molecular Subtype and Survival Prediction.
Lotfi Slim, Clement Chatelain, Chloe-Agathe Azencott.
Nonlinear post-selection inference for genome-wide association studies.
Joao Belo Pereira, Diogo Bastos, Erik Stroes, Evgeni Levin.
Covered Information Disentanglement: Correcting Permutation Feature Importance in the Presence of Covariates.
Hussein Mohsen, Jonathan Warrell, Martin Renqiang Min, Sahand Negahban, Mark Gerstein.
Weight-based Neural Network Interpretability using Activation Tuning and Personalized Products.
Mukund Sudarshan, Susan E. Liao, Oded Regev.
Novel Insights into RNA Splicing from Interpretable Machine Learning.
Nancy-Sarah Yacovzada, Iris Kalka, Eran Segal, Eran Hornstein.
A Method for Pedigree-based Propagated Risk Phenotyping on Clalit Data.
Faezeh Bayat, Maxwell Libbrecht.
VSS: Variance-stabilized signals for sequencing-based genomic signals.
Morteza M. Saber, Maxwell Libbrecht, Leonid Chindelevitch, Jesse Shapiro.
Do machine learning predictors of microbial phenotype from genotype identify causal variants?.
Ahmad Pesaranghader, Justin Pelletier, Jean-Christophe Grenier, Raphaël Poujol, Julie Hussin.
ImputeCoVNet: 2D ResNet Autoencoder for Imputation of SARS-CoV-2 Sequences.
Johannes Linder, Alyssa La Fleur, Sreeram Kannan, Zibo Chen, Ajasja Ljubetic, David Baker, Georg Seelig.
Efficient inference of nonlinear feature attributions with Scrambling Neural Networks.
Yun Feng, Christopher Yau.
RLevolution: Unravelling the history of genomic instability through deep reinforcement learning.
Sergei Rybakov, Mohammad Lotfollahi, Fabian J. Theis, F. Alexander Wolf.
Learning interpretable latent autoencoder representations with annotations of feature sets.
Andrew J. Jung, Leo J. Lee, Alice J. Gao, Brendan J. Frey.
Machine Learning Approaches for RNA Editing Prediction.
Amy X. Lu, Alex X. Lu, Alan Moses.
Evolution Is All You Need: Phylogenetic Augmentation for Contrastive Learning.
Amy X. Lu, Haoran Zhang, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Alan Moses .
Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning of Protein Representations By Mutual Information Maximization.
Alireza Karbalaygharch, Christina Leslie.
Modeling Gene Regulation by Integrating 1D and 3D Epigenomic Data with Graph Attention Networks.
Dinesh Singh, Héctor Climente-González, Mathis Petrovich, Eiryo Kawakami, Makoto Yamada.
FsNet: Feature Selection Network on High-dimensional Biological Data.
Zijun Zhang, Evan M. Cofer, Olga G. Troyanskaya.
AMBIENT: Accelerated Convolutional Neural Network Architecture Search for Regulatory Genomics.
Mohit Goyal, Guillermo Serrano, Ilan Shomorony, Mikel Hernaez, Idoia Ocha.
JIND: Joint Integration and Neural Discrimination for automated single-cell annotation.
Amr M. Alexandari, Connor Horton, Avanti Shrikumar, Polly Fordyce, Anshul Kundaje.
Neural networks can extract thermodynamic DNA sequence affinities from in vivo binding profiles of transcription factor binding.
Aishwarya Mandyam, Yuhao Wan, Luis Ceze, Jeff Nivala, Kevin Jamieson.
Molecular Matchmaker: selecting binding peptide-aptamer pairs using machine learning.
Amir Shanehsazzadeh, David Belanger, David Dohan.
Fixed-Length Protein Embeddings using Contextual Lenses.
Einar Gabbasov, Miguel Moreno-Molina, I ̃naki Comas, Maxwell Libbrecht, Leonid Chin-delevitch.
SplitStrains, a tool to identify and separate mixed Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections from WGS data.
Neda Shokranch, Maxwell W Libbrecht.
Graph embedding for inferring genome domains from genome 3D structure.
Sanjit Singh Batra, Jeffrey Spence, Yun S. Song.
Learning putatively causal gene regulatory programs using permutation-equivariant neural networks.
Pinar Demetci, Rebecca Santorella, Bjorn Sandstede, William Stafford Noble,Ritambhara Singh.
Gromov–Wasserstein based optimal transport to align single-cell multi-omics data.
Antonio Moretti, Liyi Zhang, Itsik Pe’er.
Variational Combinatorial Sequential Monte Carlo For Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference.
Andres F. Duque, Guy Wolf, Kevin R. Moon.
Visualizing High Dimensional and High Frequency Electrical Biosignals.
Anushri Arora, Tetsuhiro Harimoto, Tal Danino, Itsik Pe’er.
Spatial Microbial Dynamics.
Manu Saraswat, Gherman Novakovsky. Etienne Meunier, Oriol Fomes, Sara Mostafavi, Wyeth W Wasserman.
Convolutional Additive Models: a fully interpretable approach to Deep Learning in Genomics.
Omer Ronen, Or Zuk.
Deep Homology-Based Protein Contact-Map Prediction.
Habib Daneshpajouh, Bowen Chen, Neda Shokranch, Shohre Masoumi, Kay C Wiese, Maxwell W Libbrecht.
Continuous chromatin state feature annotation of the human epigenome.